


CMSimple_XH is a small, fast and easy to use content management system that does not require a database. This WIKI (wiki = Hawaiian for fast) shall offer users, developers and designers fast access to information about CMSimple_XH. It will be continuously extended and adapted to current developments. Described here is CMSimple_XH as of version 1.7.
However, it is possible that certain details refer to the latest version.

Collaborate on WIKI

Contrary to the actual meaning of WIKI, collaboration on this wiki is not general and possible for everyone. Our WIKI is maintained by only a few editors. This is necessary to guarantee a certain quality of the contributions – but also to keep spam, inadmissible advertisement and other disturbing factors away from this WIKI. However, everyone who has something to say about the topic can submit contributions, which can appear in the WIKI after examination.

Contact: CMSimple_XH forum or by e-mail to

Legend of symbols

The following symbols are used in the WIKI:


MenuMenu item




Keyboard input

recommended option


Important notice

Attention! Danger!

Everything OK!



If values appear in square brackets in code lines or in folder or file names, these are placeholders that must be replaced accordingly.



For keywords marked with a dashed line, there is a short explanation when hovering over them with the mouse (or tapping them with touch screens). All keywords marked in this way are summarized in the glossary and displayed as an overview.


This WIKI refers exclusively to CMSimple_XH.

There are several CMS that have “CMSimple” in their name. All these variants have in common that they emerged from the original “CMSimple” by Peter Harteg. Through further development, however, the systems have become so far apart that they still have similarities, but are hardly compatible with each other. This fact should also be taken into account when using plugins and templates.


The old wiki is archived at the address:


CMS = Content Management System

A CMS is a software system that allows you to edit websites in the browser.


Templates are design patterns for websites that behave like masks. They determine the place where elements appear and influence their appearance.