
Template tags

Template tags are used in the template as follows:

<?php echo newsbox('News01');?>

Alternatively, a shorter notation is also possible:


The example shows the integration of the (hidden) CMSimple_XH page “News01” as newsbox at the place where this code is located in the template.

Function Status Description
content() required displays the content of the page(s)
head() required generates tags to stylesheet, meta data and page title
languagemenu() recommended provides links for multilingual pages
lastupdate() recommended provides time/date of the last change
li($hc,'menulevel') optional creates the navigation menu incl. submenus
locator() optional creates the locator (breadcrumb navigation)
loginlink() recommended displays the login link (if you are not already logged in)
mailformlink() optional creates a link to the (standard) mail form
newsbox() additionally returns the content of a hidden page
nextpage() optional creates a link to the next page (in the page tree)
onload() required
with CKEditor
required in the body tag for the functions of the CKEditor – the TinyMCE does not need this call!
pagename() optional

shows the content of the configuration variable $cf['site']['title']

is generated from the language variable $tx['site']['title']

previouspage() optional generates a link to the previous page
printlink() optional creates a link for the print view
searchbox() optional creates the search form
sitename() optional shows the content of the language variable $tx['site']['title']
sitemaplink() optional provides a link to the Sitemap
submenu() optional generates links to subpages (if available)
toc() required creates the (standard) menu
top() optional creates a link to the top of the page (#TOP)


Function Status Description
editmenu() obsolet

deprecated; created the admin menu in admin mode in previous XH versions,
is no longer needed


Admin menu

The Admin menu is the control center of the system. All CMS actions are controlled via this menu. It appears only in the backend, that is, only when you are logged in to the system.

Admin mode

By admin mode, we mean the state CMSimple_XH is in after logging in. In admin mode, the control and administration of the whole CMS is possible. Normally (there are exceptions) the content is also maintained in admin mode.

Since the admin mode is not visible and accessible for website visitors, it is sometimes called backend – in contrast to frontend, which corresponds to what is displayed to visitors.


Login refers to the process of logging in to the CMS. The authentication is done with a login password. After login, you are in the so-called “Admin mode” – also called “Backend”. With the login, the system starts a session, which should be closed after finishing all work with logout (log off).


A Newsbox is a page that can be displayed within another page.


Templates are design patterns for websites that behave like masks. They determine the place where elements appear and influence their appearance.