CMSimple_XH is a flat file system and does not require a database. Nevertheless, some requirements must be met for successful operation, which are listed below.
1.0 Webspace
To be able to make websites accessible via the Internet, you need storage space (webspace) on the World Wide Web. This is usually provided by an Internet service provider (ISP).
Pretest with reqcheck.php
Already before an installation, you can perform a quick test with the file reqcheck.php to check whether the web server is suitable at all and meets the minimum requirements. The file is located in the download folder on the first level. The usage is described in detail in the README files. If all conditions are met, this file can be deleted and the installation can be started.
1.1 Webserver
CMSimple_XH has been developed to run on most web servers. It has been successfully tested with the following server types:
- Apache HTTP Server – recommended
- IIS – Microsoft Internet Information Services
- NGINX Webserver
- LiteSpeed Webserver
1.2 PHP-Version
- PHP Version 5.5 (from CMSimple_XH 1.8; 7.4) is minimum requirement
- PHP Version 7.4 (from CMSimple_XH 1.8; 8.1)and above – recommended
2.0 Hardware and software
Computer with internet access
The operating system does not matter. -
To be able to use the CMS, you require a web browser that is as up-to-date as possible. -
FTP client
With an FTP client, files can be uploaded to or downloaded from the server. In addition, various file operations can be performed, and file permissions can be assigned. -
Text editor [optional]
If files are to be edited locally, a text editor is required. This must be able to read and write files that areutf-8
encoded without BOM.
BOM is the abbreviation for byte order mark. That's an important concept for platform interoperability regarding many multibyte encodings, e.g. UTF-16 and UTF-32. It is necessary, as different OSs expect those encodings in different byte orders (big-endian vs. little-endian).
But for UTF-8 the byte order is fixed for all platforms, so the BOM has lost it's original meaning. However, it is used by many editors to mark a file as being UTF-8 encoded. That's probably not the best idea, and the Unicode Standard does not recommend using a BOM in UTF-8 encoded files. Often the BOM doesn't matter though, but for PHP files and files that will be include()d by PHP the BOM causes a problem: the BOM will be sent to the browser as soon as the file is processed. As the HTTP response is already started, later sending of HTTP headers will be suppressed, which might cause different malfunctions of the script.
CMS = Content Management System
A CMS is a software system that allows you to edit websites in the browser.
Flat File System
A flat file system stores all its contents, settings, etc. in normal files in the file system. It does not need a database.
FTP = File Transfer Protocol
Data transfer protocol in networks that is used to upload and download data to and from the server. In addition, various operations are possible with FTP, such as creating, deleting and renaming directories and files, as well as assigning read and write permissions. To use FTP, you need an FTP program, also called an FTP client.
Internet Service Provider
Abbreviations: ISP or just provider.
Internet service provider that provides various services, such as storage space (webspace), Internet address (domain), web server (e.g. Apache), databases (e.g. MySQL), programming languages (e.g. PHP) and other technical services.
PHP = Hypertext Preprocessor, originally Personal Home Page Tools
PHP is a scripting language commonly used to create dynamic websites.
utf-8 = 8-bit UCS Transformation Format
The most commonly used type of character encoding on the World Wide Web.
More about this at Wikipedia.
CMSimple_XH requires utf-8 without BOM