
Basic settings

After the installation, CMSimple_XH is still in the delivery state. All settings have the given default values and the content is sample content (which is still worth reading). Now is the right time to customize the CMS and adjust the most important settings.

For the next steps, you have to be logged in to the CMS!
Perform the login as described in the Login section.

Change default password

This is the most essential step!

It is clear that the default login password must be changed. If you forget this, you have an insecure CMS and should not be surprised about attacks. To change it, select the menu item:

Admin menuSettingsPassword

A form appears in which you have to enter the old, previously valid password (once) and your new, self-selected password (twice). After clicking Save, the new password will be set – and you will be kicked out of the system immediately! In order to make further settings, you have to log in again with the new password.


From version 1.8, the password must be changed within 5 minutes of the first visit to the website. During this time, no changes can be made to the CMS except the password itself. After the 5 minutes have elapsed, it is no longer possible to log in. If this occurs, the file:

  • userfiles/downloads/.defaultpw.lock

must be deleted.
Then you have another 5 minutes to change the password.

Main language

By default, the main language of the CMS is set to en (English). Therefore, you will see all menu items in English. If you are more comfortable with German, you should change the CMS main language first. This is how to do it:

Admin menuSettingsConfigurationLanguage →  Default → en || de

Here you can set the main language for the whole CMS. If you change to de, all menu items and system messages will appear in German (after saving).

System Check

Now you should check more carefully if all other requirements are met. Call:

Admin menuSettingsInfo

The page that appears contains a lot of information about your server environment, your CMSimple_XH installation, the installed plugins, possible updates and more.

In the lower area, under the heading “System Check”, a list of all check points that the system has executed appears.


With “green” you can sit back and relax – everything is fine.

“Yellow” messages indicate minor issues.

For messages in “red” you should definitely take action!


The problems with the yellow messages are often self-explanatory based on the text and can usually be solved quickly. With the red messages, however, you absolutely have to take action. Here it depends on what these messages refer to.

Most of the messages in the upper area refer to server settings. If issues occur here, they can typically only be solved in cooperation with your Internet service provider (hotline).

The middle section contains messages about write permissions and access protection. For both areas, there is concrete information under Installation – the write permissions are additionally explained in general and in detail under File System Permissions.

Further down, other general checkpoints are then listed.


If you can't solve the reported problems with your knowledge and research, the next step would be to activate the debug mode.

If all this does not help, then contact the CMSimple_XH forum. Quote the messages and describe the problem and the technical circumstances as detailed as possible. Almost always you will get help there and fast.


Run the system check from time to time – at least after half a year or after an update.

Other important settings

Most CMS settings are already optimized in the delivery state so that you do not have to change them right at the beginning. However, you should check some of them immediately after installation and adjust them to your needs.

Admin menuSettingsConfigurationSecurityEmail

Enter a valid email address here. If you forgot your login password, CMSimple_XH can help you. On the login page, there is a link: Password forgotten. If you click this link, CMSimple_XH will send you messages via this address, which will help you to get back into the system.

Of course, all other configuration options are important too. You should have a look at them and make changes if necessary. You can get help for each item by moving the mouse over the blue question mark Help icon or, on Touchscreens, by tapping on it.


Admin menuSettingsLanguage → …

The first 3 settings are the most important ones here:


This title is used as browser tab label, as title for bookmarks, but also as title for search engine hits.


A comma-separated list of all keywords under which the website should be found.


A short description of the website.

The language settings listed here apply to all pages of the entire website. It is possible to set different settings for each individual page. This can be set in the Page and Meta tabs of the page editing. (See also PageData.)

Admin menu

The Admin menu is the control center of the system. All CMS actions are controlled via this menu. It appears only in the backend, that is, only when you are logged in to the system.


CMS = Content Management System

A CMS is a software system that allows you to edit websites in the browser.

Internet Service Provider

Abbreviations: ISP or just provider.

Internet service provider that provides various services, such as storage space (webspace), Internet address (domain), web server (e.g. Apache), databases (e.g. MySQL), programming languages (e.g. PHP) and other technical services.


Login refers to the process of logging in to the CMS. The authentication is done with a login password. After login, you are in the so-called “Admin mode” – also called “Backend”. With the login, the system starts a session, which should be closed after finishing all work with logout (log off).

System check

The System check checks various states and settings of the CMS and issues messages about them. See also the detailed description.

Write permissions