Errors in the application, but also programming errors, happen and will probably happen again and again. CMSimple_XH offers support for such cases.
The debug mode
This mode can help in many cases to solve problems, or at least to find error causes. If any difficulties occur, the first thing to do is to put CMSimple_XH into this mode.
In the userfiles/download folder there is a file XHdebug.txt. If this file is renamed by adding an underscore at the front of the file name, this activates the debug mode.
So, like this: _XHdebug.txt
As soon as this file (with underscore) exists, the active debug mode is made visible in the admin mode (with a highlighted text message or with a bug icon) and possible error messages or warnings are displayed.
The error messages usually appear only in admin mode. The exception: “fatal” PHP errors (those that cause a blank screen), are always displayed – so also in the frontend.
The renaming of the XHdebug.txt can be done either via FTP, via file browser or with the help of a plugin (see e.g., Switchdebug_XH).
File content
The content of this file must/may only be a single digit from 0 to 6 (the debug level). The meaning of this digit can be found in the following list:
0 = No error display
1 = Display of runtime errors except warnings
2 = Display of runtime errors
3 = Display of runtime errors and hints
4 = Display of all errors except notes and warnings
5 = Display of all errors except hints
6 = Display of all errors (default)
If the file is empty, then debug level 1 is activated.
Error messages
Based on the error messages or warnings, you can now try to solve the reported problems.
If your own knowledge or research does not lead to success, you can contact the CMSimple_XH Forum. There, you should describe the problem as comprehensible as possible. The error messages should be copied and shown there as a quote. In most cases, fast and qualified help is provided in this forum.
Since there are always “bad” people in this world who might launch attacks based on the information from the error messages, the debug mode should really only be turned on for troubleshooting.
If you have not worked with your website for a longer period of time (at least half a year), it is also recommended to do a short check of the CMS state. On this occasion, you can also look for possible updates right away.
If everything is ok, you should deactivate the debug mode again – in reverse order, as described under Activation.
Admin mode
By admin mode, we mean the state CMSimple_XH is in after logging in. In admin mode, the control and administration of the whole CMS is possible. Normally (there are exceptions) the content is also maintained in admin mode.
Since the admin mode is not visible and accessible for website visitors, it is sometimes called backend – in contrast to frontend, which corresponds to what is displayed to visitors.
Blank screen
White or blank screen that may appear in case of fatal PHP errors.
CMS = Content Management System
A CMS is a software system that allows you to edit websites in the browser.
Debug mode
The debug mode is mainly used to find errors and problems. With the activation of the debug mode, possible error messages, warnings and hints are displayed.
For a detailed description, see: Troubleshooting
By Frontend, we mean everything that is displayed to website visitors.
The counterpart to this is the Backend (Admin mode).
FTP = File Transfer Protocol
Data transfer protocol in networks that is used to upload and download data to and from the server. In addition, various operations are possible with FTP, such as creating, deleting and renaming directories and files, as well as assigning read and write permissions. To use FTP, you need an FTP program, also called an FTP client.
PHP = Hypertext Preprocessor, originally Personal Home Page Tools
PHP is a scripting language commonly used to create dynamic websites.