File manager
To manage user files within CMSimple_XH, the plugin Filebrowser is delivered as file manager.
User files
If images or other media files (e.g., video, audio) are to be displayed in the content on the website, or files are to be made available for download, then these files must of course be available on the server. (At the moment we are only talking about data to be loaded from the own server.)
In CMSimple_XH there is a folder userfiles/ for such user files. This folder has three subfolders:
The folder names indicate what belongs in which folder. For a better overview, these folders can contain further subfolders.
The Filebrowser
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This menu call starts a file manager which allows the management of user files in the respective directory. By default, the Filebrowser does this in CMSimple_XH.
The following operations are possible:
- Switching between folders
- Creating subfolders
- Deleting folders
- Uploading files (without FTP)
- Deleting files
- Renaming files
For image files, a (reduced) preview image is displayed when the mouse is moved over it – depending on the browser and configuration.
The file browser is also used during page editing. If images, links or media files are to be inserted, the editors adapted for CMSimple_XH offer the possibility to search for files in the insert dialog. In principle, all file browser functions are available here – except deleting and renaming.
Configure Filebrowser
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Here you can define the allowed file formats (based on the file extensions), which are managed in the respective folders by the Filebrowser. File formats that are not listed here are not displayed and cannot be uploaded.
The file browser is suitable to perform quick file operations while working in CMSimple_XH. If you want to perform extensive file operations (for example uploading multiple files at once or entire folders with content), then it is recommended to use an alternative file manager plugin that offers this functionality. Or you can do this directly via FTP.
File sizes:
The maximum possible file size when uploading is influenced by two factors.
: Maxsize
This setting is also the limit for media and other files.
Depending on the server settings, this limit could be further restricted. This can be found under:
PHP Info
Here the values post_max_size
and upload_max_filesize
are relevant.
Alternative file managers
It is possible to use an alternative external file manager plugin. This is set under:
: External plugin name
Admin menu
The Admin menu is the control center of the system. All CMS actions are controlled via this menu. It appears only in the backend, that is, only when you are logged in to the system.
Plugin to manage user files. Filebrowser is the standard file manager of CMSimple_XH.
FTP = File Transfer Protocol
Data transfer protocol in networks that is used to upload and download data to and from the server. In addition, various operations are possible with FTP, such as creating, deleting and renaming directories and files, as well as assigning read and write permissions. To use FTP, you need an FTP program, also called an FTP client.
PHP = Hypertext Preprocessor, originally Personal Home Page Tools
PHP is a scripting language commonly used to create dynamic websites.