
CMS primary language

CMSimple_XH is delivered in two languages: English (standard) and German. This means that all outputs in the backend (e.g., menus, labels, help) as well as all outputs dynamically generated by the CMS in the frontend (e.g., the contact form or the sitemap), appear in the selected main language.

Choose language

The primary language of the CMS can be selected from:

Admin menuSettingsConfigurationLanguageDefault :

The available languages are listed in the selection field.

Add a language package

Besides the two included languages, there are other language packages provided by dedicated users. On the CMSimple_XH homepage, a list is maintained, which contains either direct downloads or links to the appropriate provider. Additionally, there are some installation hints.

Click here for the language packages

Create your own language package

If you need a language that is not yet offered, you can create your own language package.
(See the note at the bottom of this page).

Here’s how it works:

In the cmsimple/languages/ folder, select a language file that you want to use as a template for your translation – for example, en.php. Make a copy of this file and give this file the language abbreviation corresponding to the language you want to translate into (for example, sv.php for Swedish = Svensk).

There is now a language file for Swedish in the system – but at the moment it still contains English texts.

Next, you switch the main language to Swedish sv, as described above.

After that, you select:

Admin menuSettingsLanguage

Here you can now transfer all English texts into Swedish point by point. Don't forget to save!

From now on, CMSimple_XH will speak Swedish with you.

If you think that your translation is so good that other users could benefit from it, please contact us. Contact addresses can be found here in the WIKI on the home page.

Translate plugin

Exactly as it was just described for the CMS, you can also translate plugins (if they provide language output). The difference is that you copy a file from the plugins/[Plugin name]/languages folder as a template for the translation.

It's also all much easier!

Own translations for the CMS or for individual plugins can be done comfortably with the plugin Translator_XH.

Admin menu

The Admin menu is the control center of the system. All CMS actions are controlled via this menu. It appears only in the backend, that is, only when you are logged in to the system.


Backend is another term for Admin mode.


CMS = Content Management System

A CMS is a software system that allows you to edit websites in the browser.


By Frontend, we mean everything that is displayed to website visitors.

The counterpart to this is the Backend (Admin mode).


Templates are design patterns for websites that behave like masks. They determine the place where elements appear and influence their appearance.