Edit content
The most important task of a content management system is, of course, the relatively simple editing and management of content in the browser. The content is displayed on pages – and you have to be able to create, delete, (re)name or move pages.
Manage pages
CMSimple_XH comes with a page management plugin – Pagemanager. With this plugin, the whole content structure (the hierarchy/tree structure) of a website is defined. The way the pages are named and arranged here is the way they will appear in the navigation menu.
It is clear that the structure of a website is pretty much the most significant element for visitor orientation (also for search engines). This structure is the backbone, so to speak.
It should not hurt to think about this very thoroughly and take special care at the very beginning when creating a website. What should be shown (main menu items)? And what belongs to it thematically (sub-items)? However, changes can be made later at any time.
So the plugin Pagemanger enables the creation of this page structure and displays it clearly. The use of this plugin and its functions are explained in detail in the corresponding help file.
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It is possible to use a different, external plugin for page management. This is set under:
: External plugin name
Edit page contents
The pages just created according to the above description must now be filled with content (texts, images, videos … etc.). CMSimple_XH offers the so-called Edit mode for this purpose. This mode is activated by clicking the first menu item in the admin menu. (If the first item in the admin menu is Preview, then the Edit mode is already active.)
Then one selects (in the navigation menu of the website) the page to be edited. The selected page appears – with an online editor containing the page content for editing. CMSimple_XH delivers the plugin TinyMCE as editor by default. The handling is very similar to a word processor – you should be able to work with it intuitively. If this does not work, you have to look for a manual on the net. Due to the variety of functions and individual settings, a simple help file would be too extensive – there is none. To configure the TinyMCE, one selects:
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It is possible to use a different, external plugin for page editing. This is set under:
: External plugin name
Links in the editor
All editors adapted for CMSimple_XH offer automatic linking to internal targets. That means: In the dialog for inserting a link, a dropdown list is offered, which contains all pages created within the CMS as link target. This is practical and saves typing and searching.
Media and downloads
For inserting images, video, audio (media) and also for creating download links, the editors offer comfortable functions. In the respective insert dialog, there is the possibility to search the internal file system for the corresponding object. At this point, a file manager (see Filebrowser) comes into play, which can even be used to upload required files if necessary.
Admin menu
The Admin menu is the control center of the system. All CMS actions are controlled via this menu. It appears only in the backend, that is, only when you are logged in to the system.
CMS = Content Management System
A CMS is a software system that allows you to edit websites in the browser.
The Pagemanager is the standard page management program in CMSimple_XH.